iChallengeU is a two-week educational opportunity for high school students to work with area teachers, corporate, civic, and community leaders to develop solutions to real problems posed by the corporate, civic, or community partners. Teachers trained in project based learning will work with the partners to identify “driving questions or challenges” that reflect real issues or problems in the participating companies and organizations. Student teams will have two weeks, through their own research and evaluation processes and by working with assigned teachers and corporate, civic, or community partner coaches, to propose solutions to the real life questions or challenges.
Michigan Works! Southeast is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program|Auxiliary aids and other accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities|Supported by the State of Michigan|Paid for with State / Federal Funds|Proud Partner of the American Job Center Network|Toll-free telephone number 1-800-285-WORK (9675)|TTY: 7-1-1